Bookmark folders color customization

If you have a bunch of folders, it can be hard to quickly find the folder you’re looking for:

For that reason, it would be useful to choose colors for folders in the Edit menu.
Screen Shot 2020-02-02 at 6.08.38 PM

There’s no need to have a color picker for this. Instead it can be list colors which you can select, similar to how Google Drive lets you select colors for folders:
Screen Shot 2020-02-02 at 6.07.39 PM


How did you make your folder color black?

In Brave, I have dark mode turned on so that the folder icons are bright/gray. Could you elaborate on what you mean?

I have dark mode enabled as well but the colour of the folders doesn’t change for me, I’ve tried reinstalling but it didn’t help…

Ok can u screen shot what u have the theme set to and I can what might need to be changed

@probablykasper I am in dark mode also and do not have folders that look like that.

Are you using Brave beta by chance?

I would very much like this feature as well - but I would like to expand on the idea a bit, it would be really neat if you could customize the folder icons also

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I use bookmark folders extensively, and I would love this feature

I can’t find this option of Edit menu.
Some time ago all my folders became white instead of yellow and I don’t know how to change it.

In my opinion there is a better way to solve this problem. I wrote more about the idea here but in brief we get rid of folder icons altogether and instead use shading for a folder visual cue. Bookmarks have no such shading while folders do. In the below example, the three left items are folders while the rest are bookmarks. By using emojis as folder names, in whole or in part, you can get as creative as you want and save a bunch of space.

A lot of good ideas here for the bookmark folders.
Being able to change the bookmark folder icons, color or other ways to easily identify the folders.
Being able to list bookmarks under other bookmarks to create groups and get rid of the folders would also work for me.