Bookmark menu bar: replace "bookmark folder icon" with (new) "bookmark folder buttons"

+1 :+1:

I also name folders with emojis / emoticons.

It would be awesome if Brave were to support hiding the folder icon in folder names.

Here is a wireframe idea for the UI.

There would perhaps be a need for a visual cue to distinguish folders from bookmarks while folder icons are hidden. Perhaps shading, for example:


In this example there are three folders on the left followed by three bookmarks on the right.

Actually now that I have wireframed the idea, I would simply omit the setting and the old folder icons altogether and go with a consistent folder visual cue versus bookmark, like so:

The difference here is my quick attempt to make the shading under folder names appear to have a paper folder tab look to them, which is best seen in the “Video” folder name.

My spacing in the bookmark examples is perhaps tighter than it should be in reality. Hopefully you get the idea, which is to basically get rid of the folder icon as the visual cue for a folder and replace it with a shading/background visual cue.

Here’s one last example illustration of the idea with much more spacing between folder and bookmark names.


Thanks for considering this idea!