BATs automatically reduced in Zebpay

I got about 49 BATs in my account about 20 days ago and immediately transferred it from Brave wallet to zebpay wallet. Here is a screenshot showing the transactions

But since yesterday when I checked zebpay, it’s only showing 29.007973 BAT in my wallet .

I only transferred money to zebpay and since then haven’t used a single BAT in trading to INR or anything. How did 20 BAT get vanished? Also the transfer history tab is not loading in zebpay.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? [
Version 1.60.125 Chromium: 119.0.6045.199 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Who is your verified custodian? Zebpay

Are you in a supported region? Yes

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I also have this problem. I have total 29 BAT not it reduces to 9 BAT. (where did 20 BAT gone ? )

Also Zebpay App/Website doesn’t work properly.

Zebpay has a monthly membership charge if you do not make any trade in a month. If a trade is made, no charge is incurred for that month. I would recommend you go through this:

@I-am-developer-9 To add to what has been said, many people have shared that the “trick” is to leave it in your Rewards balance and not transfer (sweep) over to ZebPay immediately.

If it sweeps into your ZebPay balance, then you are in a position where you can be charged for a membership fee. The fees are only charged if you have a balance sitting in your ZebPay account. So if you have money in your account, you either need to make a transaction to avoid fees or pay the monthly service/membership fee.

Again, you can’t be charged if you have no balance. And also they don’t charge you if you make a transaction each month. So those two things are what you have to be mindful of the most.


All my Hard earned BAT tokens from past 3 years lost due to this charge :frowning:

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