Good Friends, I have a question for about 7 days I have several confirmations in my account, but I have not been credited any bat amount in my account, I would like to know what is this, could you help me? Do you know why the amount in bat equivalent to the confirmations is not credited to the account? @steeven
I also got no referral payment
Same issues 3 August to now today?
Not give me Reffer Credit?
Hi @MARCE.LIEBANO - if the referrals we’re confirmed within the last 10 days, then the BAT will be credited on September 8th.
But This Balence Don’t Show in Publisher Dashbord
bro ans me plz
This issue is happening for me too. Starting around 10 days ago, my confirmations have not been credited. My confirmations increase every day, but my BAT balance has remained the same (hasn’t increased in the past 10 days). I’m not sure if this is something intentional during the “freeze” period.
I understand friend, but I think this case is different, what I am trying to tell you is that a few days ago I had some confirmed downloads but the balance in bat has not been credited to my BRAVE account, many days have passed and the problem persists, you will know that could it be happening? @steeven
well this happend for me on june when bats were credicted i found out aroubd 30usd missing and they r still missing till today
and i have your same problem again this month
i really wonder why is it so hard to fix these bugs while i see the publishers having this issue are few, 2nd month now no solutions yet
Hi @mh.layek - this should be resolved later today.
I have not received payments
Buenas Tardes steeven
El dĂa 8 me enviaron un pago por 7 Dolares es decir unos 25.78 Bats de los 129.59 Bats que tengo en Brave rewards creators del mes de julio sin embargo desde ese dĂa en mi Brave rewards aparece un mensaje que indica los siguiente:
We’re working hard to get your pending balance paid out. Please be patient while we prepare, review, and send your payouts.
The amount to be paid is based on our report generated at 2020-08-01.
lo cual indica o evidencia que hay un pago pendiente del mes de julio, es decir no realizo todo el pago completo
capturas de pantalla en el siguiente enlace I have not received payments for August
@ALEX99 - looks like you need to KYC with Uphold.
The same problem still persists, the BATs have not been credited for confirmed downloads in the Brave Account, this is already worrying since we are at the 14th of a month and no balance appears in the brave account, what will be happening? Do you have any information about it? @steeven @eljuno @Mattches
Can you both please post your referral codes so that we can take a look into your accounts?
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