Brave dont pay for confirmed referrals! Why?

for last a few days i dont have any rewards for confirmed referrals! Why?


Probably the user did not install the browser. Note that it takes 30 days to confirm a referral.

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they already done and it show that this refferals are confirmed, But balance didnt changed!


It has not changed at me too. The confirmed number grew but the bat number did not.


@robroym @kasperblackjek,
Thanks for reaching out to us with this issue. Our Publishers team is already aware of this issue and are working on implementing a fix for it as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience while we get this issue resolved – don’t worry, your funds are safe :slight_smile:


Pls help I don’t receive my confirmed bat invites


Hi @Mattches @eljuno could you tell us something more about this issue? How long we have to wait for the rest of our confirmed tokens?
We have recieved about half of all Bat for confirmed referrals today, I recieve only part of confirmed tokens everyday. Will this issue fixed? We would be grateful for more informations. Best Regards,


After 17 days, no news no answer. :thinking:

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Hello, have you noticed any changes?

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I have the same problem
They add new confirmations to my account, but I’m not getting BAT.
why is this happening ???

Please someone can answer if they have already added the bat of the confirmed references after several days after the confirmation because the problem still persists and I see that the problem is long enough