BAT rewards drop from 0.01 BAT/ad to 0.001 BAT/ad

Not only Fiat get depreciated.
Even bit currency like BAT also gets depreciated.

Looks like ‘someone’ got greedy. :joy:
And we are still here to help making the system get better for free. :grin:
Guess I am going to leave this bat thing soon. The future does not look good for users :grin:


it’s 0.001 for the wallpaper ads like AAX, BLOCKFI GALA GAMES
and 0.005 for the notification ads like APPSUMO, LEDGER, etc…
This is what i noticed!


if the problem persists i will uninstall the brave browser, i advise the same to you


I guess those will expire soon and no more of such prices anymore.

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Even if the Bat rewards are small, Brave is still a great browser with really good privacy, so maybe it’s worth keeping.


BAT currency is going down and now they do this


for me it is not worth being used only for rewards and this drop in rewards was a slap in the face of users. if you want to continue using a browser that has become greedy and doesn’t care about your preobelma users, I’m out!

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and the value will drop further because many users will leave this browser after that slap in the face that the brave gave us

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The past high prices are for brave advertisement purposes. Milestone hit.

Thank you community for the hard work in promoting. :sweat_smile:


A something similar happened last year too and at a similar time of the year.
Do check this out guys


same i dunno y i m getting 0.001 bat for1 ad! image|389x112 this will make earning hard :confused:

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remove your cryptocurrencies from the bat card in the uphold wallet, as the value of the bat’s currency will lose its value quickly
I changed mine to bitcoin

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@steeven can u help us

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0.001 bat for 1 ad is too low :no_mouth:


It will definitely go down


remove your cryptocurrencies from the bat card in the uphold wallet, as the value of the bat’s currency will lose its value quickly
I changed mine to bitcoin
bat game over


epic for epic games. Im losing hope lol

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Brave also initiated a huge BAT purchase in Coinbase too, now that they have limited supply the existing holders value might actually increase.

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may i know where you get these informations. I need it too thank you

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Well this is disappointing. I prefer Firefox but use Brave because of the rewards. I currently don’t earn a ton, maybe enough to buy a coffee at the end of the month, but hey it’s something.

After the reduction in payout it is clear that it will now take years to earn the 25 bat required to access my wallet. Absolutely not worth it IMO. Goodbye, Brave. It was nice while it lasted.