I updated today to version 1.10.95.
I had almost 18BAT but after an update, it got down to 16.6.
You can see that number of ads are 357 So by that BAT comes to 357/20 = 17.8
I have the auto contribution off.
Many times 0.2-0.4 BAT goes missing but this time it happened after an update and more than 1BAT. Can please help? Because if this continues why would I watch ads when at the end BAT goes missing just like this.
after that, next day, I received few ads and My bats went to 17.6 but again it is reduced to 16.6 and now even number of ads are showing 0.
It’s horrible and I feel there is no support.
Same issue here. @steeven I thought the v1.10.97 fixed the bug. but there’s still some shrinkage.
Hi @gbnavapara - thanks for reporting! Just responded to your DM.
Hello! I didnt want to start a new post since I found this one which is relatively recent, I’m having the same issue.
I’ve started using Brave recently and it already happened twice, my BATs decreased from 4 to 3.5 and now from 4.4 to 3.5 again, the number it’s not increasing at all now, I already saw about 5 notifications but the number is still 3.5.
I think I have the last version which is v.10.97. What can I do?
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