Back/forward buttons on mouse not working - Windows 11 - MX Master 3 Mouse

A few weeks ago, the back/forward buttons on my Logitech MX Master 3 mouse stopped navigating back to the previous url in Brave on my Windows 11 PC. I thought it was my settings, but after extensively searching for a solution, I am convinced that it’s a bug with Chromium/Brave.

The back button on my mouse works everywhere else, other browsers, Windows File explorer, etc. But not in Brave. Interestingly, the back button on my Logitech Keyboard still works with Brave, just not on my MX Master 3 mouse. I have restored the settings to factory on the MX Master 3 mouse with no success.

This seems like a small inconvenience, but it’s a pretty big annoyance for me. So much so that I’m starting to use MS Edge as my primary browser.

I love what Brave stands for, internet privacy, which is why I’m reaching out to tell you this because I want you to succeed. Please fix this bug!!

Did you find a solution? happened to me as well

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This does appear to be a recurring Chromium issue. I’m seeing several users over many years reporting this issue. This user here has a solution that is worth trying — especially since they’re using the same mouse:

I have the solution. In the Brave browser go to settings → system → shortcut, and here, edit the forward and back shortcut. If there is any conflict, remove the shortcut that simulates the mouse where it is set and set it back and forward respectively.

In my case when I press my Logitech MX Master 3 mouse the button back or forward, Brave opens “Bookmarks Manager” or “Profile menu” respectively. I had to remove the shortcuts for those actions and set it for the mouse button actions.

I hope I have been able to help you!

How to set up the middle click “Open web page in new tab”? There is no such option in shortcuts, but this feature is very important to me, I think it is a problem with Brave, it works fine in other browsers

The new year has begun, and this problem has still not been resolved? And once again, Brave changed my mouse settings for no apparent reason.