Auto-Contribute BAT issues

Although my auto-contribute is set up with a monthly payment of 30 BAT, the ‘next contribution date’ still reads 1/11/19 (two days ago) and my funds have not been subtracted from. Just want to make sure my BAT gets properly sent before the grants expire!

On a related note, there are certain channels/websites that I would not like to receive a portion of my monthly allocation. However, when attempting to click the X Brave fails to remove any sites from the list.

Running version 0.58.18 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit

@jzstern Thanks for reporting the issue. Can you please let us know when was the contribution due. If you have created wallet somewhere in Jan 2019 and if you are seeing the next contribution date as 1/11/2019 then it’s wrong. If wallet was created somewhere in December 2018 and if you are seeing next the contribution date as 1/11/2019 then it’s correct.

I can see 288 sites added to your wallet in the screen shot which you have provided. I think the wallet was created long before. Can you please let us know when was the wallet created.

Regarding the Exclude (click on x) sites from auto contribution table, issue is already logged . Please track the issue here.


I am having “next contribution date” issues but am able to exclude sites for contribution, albeit the removal process is very slow. I am on Version 0.58.21 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) on windows 64. My contribution date is stuck on Dec 1, 2018

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Can confirm that I am also having this issue. My next contribution date is 12/11/2018

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