@ubMage Well bummer. I use winOS and do not know if the following information is the same on a macOS. Hope so! Hopefully, a community member or Brave support will pop in and help troubleshoot if I lead you astray.
Have you enabled/disabled any experimental flags at brave://flags? The settings you have changed will be at the top of the page and have a blue background. Defaulted settings will have a white background
Example: Manually set blue background vs defaulted settings white background
vs -
Can you go to brave://gpu and post the information displayed (copy/paste). I would use the Hide Details editor option after posting as there is a lot of information and it breaks the continuity of a post to paste it without hiding imo. Hiding the details really helps!
To hide details, highlight the information you want to hide, then click the gear icon in the editor menu and select hide details.
Add the flag
to the end of the Brave executable file. This Brave Help Center article has instructions if needed: How Do I Use Command Line Flags in Brave?
Please post an update. Thanks!
Edit(s): Forgot to ask these troubleshooting questions!
- Does it work with Shields disabled?
- Does it work in a New Profile?
- Does it work in Brave Beta and/or Nightly?
Re: Can’t load ESPN live streams. The site you linked prompted me to enable widevine and I thought you would have been prompted also if it was not enabled. But, in the referenced topic, the OP had Widevine disabled and was not prompted to enable it. Creating a New Profile may have popped the error as in the other topic but please confirm:
4. Is Widevine
enabled at brave://settings/extensions