Hello, I recently upgraded my phone to an IPhone 16 and I’ve been having a weird issue on the Brave app. Before I upgrade whenever I searched something, the search would fill out in blue an optional search of something I’ve searched before even if it wasn’t the exact thing, however now that doesn’t appear to be case. If there is a fix for this I’d like to hear it, thank you.
@Mr.M2345 Are you talking about when typing in the URL/Search area? If so, did you enable it in Brave’s settings? Go to Settings
→ Search Engines
I mean, if you have Show Browser Suggestions disabled, then nothing would be able to show up.
Or you talking about searches like the text entry area of Google or something?
Thanks for that, I believe it was actually the recent searches thing that got turned off. I didn’t remember where to look so thanks for that.
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