Mobile App Search Not Working (ios)?

Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.

**Description of the issue:**I’ve noticed in the past few weeks that the search function in the mobile app doesn’t return any results. The only category where I get any results is “News”. It works for sites I visited previously, but for any new search, I get no results. I’ve had to revert to Safari and Duck, Duck, Go for any new searches.

**How can this issue be reproduced?**I can reproduce it on my iPhone 12 everytime. I’m just wondering if anyone else is having this issue.

Expected result: I’d like to find a solution. I thought about deleting and redownloading the app, but I was afraid I’d lose all my bookmarks. I’d prefer to use Brave over other browsers.

Brave Version( check About Brave): I just updated to all the apps on my phone (as of 2/17/24), so I should have the latest version.

Mobile Device details iPhone 12

Additional Information:

  • For which search engine(s)?

  • You’re doing it from the URL field or where are you typing in your searches?

  • What exactly do you see when you try to do a search? (screenshot might be helpful)

  • You didn’t answer, which version of Brave are you using? Please look and provide exact number. Been too many people who have claimed to updated but really weren’t. It’s best not to leave anyone to make assumptions.

  • Which version of iOS is on your iPhone?

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@Endolyne also want to ask, which type of searches. Like trying to figure out if you’re kind of saying what has been discussed at Why is the Brave search Video tab always empty? or if your issue is different.

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I just noticed something. I accidently turned my phone to the horizontal and the search shows up. If I swipe to left, the search becomes centered on the screen and the search is there. This is the case for all search categories except that doesn’t work under “Images”. Apparently, the screen is not centered?

A couple new problems…I tried tapping on the settings icon to see if I mistakenly changed something in the view settings to cause this and to see if I could rectify it, but when I tap on the icon, nothing happens.

Also, when I tap on the “X” to cancel the search and enter a new search, again, nothing happens. I have to tap in the search bar and tap the backspace button to eliminate the search and begin a new one.

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