Any fix for when BAT not transferring to Uphold?

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. BAT funds in broswer show 161.474 but uphold only showing 82.224. Almost half the funds are missing and not showing in pending balance either…
  2. Seems like the rewards I had from before I set up an uphold account never transfered?

Expected result:

  • Remaining funds to be sent to wallet

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Version 1.12.114 Chromium: 84.0.4147.135 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Additional Information:

On PC, upon logging in to Uphold, your most recent transactions are viewable by scrolling to the bottom. Here, you can also choose to view all.

On Android, upon opening the app, at the bottom is a graphic labeled activity. This will give you your transaction history.

I hope your transaction history helps you to recover your missing rewards.

Yes, thank you for the response. I do already know how to view the transaction history! Unfortunately it does not add up to what it should according to what I have earned using the Brave browser… Is that money just gone for good?


I do not have the authority to give your an answer.

I will say that if you had a verified wallet with Uphold and have ONLY used Uphold as your wallet, then you possess all transaction history.

For what it’s worth, Uphold is your wallet. It is third party. Brave rewards you with Basic Attention Token, and Brave deposits your reward to your Uphold account.

You possess legitimate proof of error. One rather severe.

Please see:

Thank you. Also Brave does not show the transactions of the missing BAT either.

Thanks for your reply!

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