Any "Cannot drag-&-drop in Brave since ~ 2/13/2021" update?

Any updates on this? I’m still having these issues today on linux brave browser. (Works in firefox)

@sweepwaistland thanks for linking just as a reference, but let’s try to start this as a new topic here. Please provide the details below, some of which is just repeating/confirming your circumstances:

  • You mention using Linux, which distro or whatever? Such as Linux Mint 21.2.

  • Which version of Brave are you using? (Please provide exact number, don’t just say “the latest”)

  • You mentioned this issue doesn’t happen on Firefox. But what about on Chrome, Vivaldi, or any other chromium browser?

  • What types of things are you trying to drag and drop?

  • Where are you trying to drop & drop to? (Such as randomly to window, over the icon, to the search bar, or what?)

  • Are you dragging it over to try to get it to open in Brave or you trying to drag & drop into particular sites/content?

  • Are you using 2 monitors? If so, does this only happen when you switch between monitors?


Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

Brave 1.58.137

  • You mentioned this issue doesn’t happen on Firefox. But what about on Chrome, Vivaldi, or any other chromium browser?
    Works in Chromium Version 118.0.5993.88 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  • What types of things are you trying to drag and drop?
    Multiple email client email attachments, files to websites that convert them. I think the problem is for all dragging and dropping.

  • Where are you trying to drop & drop to? (Such as randomly to window, over the icon, to the search bar, or what?)
    Windows and icons

  • Are you dragging it over to try to get it to open in Brave or you trying to drag & drop into particular sites/content?
    Trying to upload things, if that answers the question.

  • Are you using 2 monitors? If so, does this only happen when you switch between monitors?

Since been happening a while, I’m assuming not going to make a difference, but can you try to update this? Brave is currently on 1.59.120. which is also Chromium 118.0.5993.88, which matches what you say. I forget which Chromium was in on the 1.58 iteration, if the same or different.

And I apologize, should have also asked if you’re using extensions. If so, to try in Private window or in a new profile and see if any changes. Also I guess your Shields settings, does it work if you disable Shields?

Outside of that, I’m going to tag in @Mattches from Brave and then @JimB1 as another Community Ninja who is more tech savvy and especially more familiar with Linux, just in case he has insight on options I’m not aware of within the OS that might be causing you issues.

I’m thinking that this might have something to do with the OS? I’m also curious if you get this same behavior when you have extensions disabled (if you have any).

I’ve asked some of our Linux team to see if they can reproduce and/or suggest anything but as far as I know, there is no reason this functionality shouldn’t work in Brave (especially if it works in Chromium).

Can you tell me how you installed the browser? Was Brave installed via Snap or flatpak? Or was it installed natively via terminal instructions?

I got it from the pop os ‘pop shop’. (I don’t see anywhere saying if it was Snap or flatpak.) I uninstalled it and got it from the terminal. Now my problem is fixed!

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Glad to hear it — have a wonderful day!

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