Allow settings change question repeated every time I open Brave

Every time I close and reopen Brave a pop-up appears and asks the following:

“Allow settings change? Allow snap “brave” to change “default-url-scheme-handler” subproperty “webcal” to “brave_brave.desktop” ? This dialog will close automatically after 5 minutes of inactivity.”

I click yes and the pop-up question goes away, but next time, after closing Brave and restarting it again, the same pop-up window appears. And it appears for each window of Brave opened.

Shouldn’t Brave save my response for future sessions? So, if I answer yes, it should remember my answer to the same question.

Version 1.74.48 Chromium: 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Running on Linux Ubuntu (Zorin OS 17)

@jayshikata ,


Please review the Brave Browser Settings for clearing some data.

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


Select the “Advanced” tab

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE everything except:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data

Click on the “Clear data” button.

Next, select the “On exit” tab. In particular, DISABLE:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data
  • Site and Shields Settings

Next, select the “Advanced” tab again

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE everything except:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data
  • Site and Shields Settings

Click on the “Clear data” button.

In order to reduce influence by websites:

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to: brave://settings/content

Scroll down to Additional permission . . . and set:

  • Protocol handlers: Don't allow sites to handle protocols
  • File editing: Don't allow sites to edit files or folders on your device
  • Clipboard: Don't allow sites to see text or images on your clipboard
  • Window management (later BB versions): Don't allow sites to manage windows on all your displays
  • Window placement (older BB versions): Don't allow sites use info about your screens to open and place windows

Scroll down to Content . . . and set:

  • Pop-ups and redirects: Don't allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirects

Exit / Quit everything and restart the computer.

Look over:

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Thank you for all the steps… I applied them and so far it’s all good.

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