Description of the issue:
Every time I open a new tab and start typing on a physical keyboard, only the first letter of the word is written. The cursor then moves at the beginning of the address bar and writes the rest of the word. Simply put “web” becomes “ebw”, “google” becomes “oogleg” etc. When I open a new tab, click on the address bar (the i icon changes to google icon) and start typing after that, there are no issues.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Open a new tab in Brave
- Start typing immediately on a physical keyboard without touching the address bar
- Observe the garbled words, pull your hair and start again.
Expected result:
- Open a new tab in Brave
- Start typing on a physical keyboard without touching the address bar
- Words should be parsed normally without needing an extra click
Brave Version( check About Brave
Latest available Brave from the Play Store
Mobile Device details
Teclast T30 - specs here -
Additional Information:
The same issue is actually present in Chrome as well. Firefox works fine.