Add 'new tab button' like Google Chrome have

Add ‘new tab button’ near at tab button like Google Chrome because if anyone have big phone को So he has to open the tab with his two hands and it is very frustrating, if this feature is available then it will be very easy, to understand this, I have also uploaded two photos as examples.

Same thing I want it too

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Oh, yeah this will be easy for us to navigate in the browser.

Maybe you don’t want the toolbar set at the bottom but there is a NTP button there.

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pls guide us how to get that?

Go to Settings>Appearance>Enable bottom toolbar and set to On. After relaunching the app the toolbar will then move to the bottom.

Then in Settings go to Homepage and set to Off. This will activate the NTP button which replaces the Home button.

The trade off is you can’t have a Home page or button in the toolbar so it’s a case of what’s more important to you.

Hope this helps.

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Both are important. I think the Bookmark button is less important. It would be better to add the ability to customize the toolbar buttons and add more options to display on the toolbar. Like History, Downloads, Translate, etc.