Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service

I’m using the latest version of Brave, and today I ran into an issue where I can’t use my main account to watch YouTube. It shows a message saying that Ad blockers violate YouTube’s Terms of Service. I tried turning off Brave Shields and moving to ublock origin but it didn’t help. I’m using my laptop and this only happened just a few minutes ago

@Darkside has reported an Operating System: Windows

But @BINNE and @silversquall have not reported their Operating Systems . . . please do, here.

Hi, I use Windows 11. I don’t think it’s the OS cause as I mentioned, i can watch videos normally in incognito mode and on my other accounts

bro why did you copy my post word for word

i didnt copy it word by word

I didn’t mean anything but you clearly did.
You even copied the highlighted phrases.

This has been brought up a lot and even had pinned posts on it. The long and short of it is that:

  1. It’s going to happen every once in a while. Generally keeping Brave updated and perhaps checking brave://components for updates can work.
  2. You should use as few extensions as possible. Some extensions can trigger detection, such as people who have used tools like Enhancer For YouTube
  3. Sometimes you need to clear cookies/cache because they have something saved to identify
  4. Always good to check Shields settings. Good to have Aggressive for ad blocking and to have Fanboy’s Annoyances + uBO Annoyances enabled under Content Filtering.

Similar topics/answers on this:

Obviously the list goes on. And you’ll see even uBlock Origin and others have tons of information and topics on it. In other words, it’s not a Brave only thing:

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does it really matter i had the same issue on my laptop big deal whoopty do

ive fixed it and it was my extensions i removed some and reisntalled them and its only happening on my laptop but as right now its been fixed