Account flagged for 3 months now

It’s been 3 months my account is flagged :confused:
Is it possible to unlock it please? I’m patient but not that much :slight_smile:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?
Version 1.38.119 Chromium: 101.0.4951.67 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)

What date did you verify your wallet?
A while (november)

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)
Yes Nordvpn

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?

Have you manually turned off Auto-contribute on all of your devices linked to Uphold??

Wallet : f3432d4e-cf19-48af-9269-6859a0dbf3fa

Yes, Please help, my account also has been flagged.

Perhaps precautionary E-mails from companys complying with international sanctions will help prevent these events. I use a VPN and sometimes visit the internet “from a different place” to get a different perspective.

My account has been flagged for months and payouts have been poof. Gone every month. Gemini Admin AND Uphold said that my accounts were connected but nothing would ever come through.

Eventually saw the tab at the top saying un-verified and tried to re-verify.

This caused problems. Please help I am an anonymous interwebs browser!

Thank you.

I’m flagged too, hope they control my account asap

The user who posted that has been banned several times. Doing this could also get you banned. If you are flagged, the only appropriate course of action is to dm @Mattches or @steeven OR fill out the form found below.

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Oh crap! But I already DM and contact them twice. Filled the form as well. Nothing…
At a certain point of time, it’s normal that we try to find another way to fix it, right?

Im not here to judge, just give out some info. Up to you, but you may want to delete the youtube link to avoid getting banned as well.

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Hmm okay… I hope those moderators will wake up soon and help! :unamused:

@Mattches made a post you should read about that. Ill link it as soon as i find it. They are very busy.

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Here it is.


That was quite helpful to read it, thanks!


I have the same problem, not seen rewards for months and no way to contact Brave about it.

Same issue here. I didn’t think about using a VPN possibly causing an issue. If I have to choose between VPN and Brave Rewards though, I’ll choose VPN.

I have the same problem for no valid reason. How you do it that?

Same here.

I’ve had several issues with Brave and Creators programme now so have given up on both.

If anyone knows of a good alternative to Brave (with a monetisation programme for creators) please let me know.

Same for me. My account is flagged for no reason. I don’t know what to do

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