Description of the issue:
Ugly new tabs system is ugly. Please…
- Give users the option to use the old way of switching between tabs.
- Drop the Downloads item in the menu back below the Bookmarks item, or just let us reorganise the whole list (I never use the DL item anyway
How can this issue be reproduced?
- Update to 1.23.74
- ???
- Profit
Expected result: A non-ugly means of switching between tabs etc, like Brave has always had for years now.
Brave Version( check About Brave
): 1.23.74
Mobile Device details: Samsung Galaxy S8
Additional Information: Remember: if a UI or UX change is not NECESSARY, make it optional FFS. Change for it’s own sake is off-putting, confusing, and a sign you care less about users than about… I don’t know TBH. Looking “hip” like Google or something? Whatever, just stop doing it.