YouTube Takes 20+ Seconds to Load

Description of the issue: In Brave Desktop, the YouTube site takes a long time to load. This doesn’t happen with any other site I visit and doesn’t happen at all when I visit YouTube in the Brave mobile app on iOS.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Shut down Brave completely and ensure cleared out of memory
  2. Load Brave on Desktop
  3. Go to

Expected result: …is that the page should load quickly. There’s no problem at all on Brave’s iOS mobile app, even with shields up.

Brave Desktop Version on Mac Sonoma 14.6: v1.68.128

Additional Information: I searched online to see if the problem might have something to do with my personal settings, my cache, etc., and I made adjustments, but the problem persists. Also, this is a new-ish problem. I believe I noticed it first a month or two ago; no issue with YT before that. Just to super clarify: I don’t mean there’s a problem with loading or watching videos on YouTube. I mean only there’s a delay in getting to the site itself via Brave Desktop, especially after first opening Brave.

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