Youtube is not workng properly

@Amansingh4699 ,

Given that your Brave Browser version numbers are unknown, here . . . the latest Brave Browser version is 1.38.111 (May 2, 2022). Please update to that.

Next consideration, may be stranger than fiction, but the following might be related(?!):

The steps, re “de-AMP”:

In a Brave Browser > New Window , go to brave://flags

Search for Enable De-AMP and select Disable

Exit/Quit Brave Browser

Start Brave Browser

Next attempt:

Go to: brave://chrome-urls/#internals in a Brave Browser > New Window.

About that, @cobrax2 wrote:

@Taomyn , soon after, wrote that another fix worked:

Another recent problem that causes a variety of issues/symptoms . . .

See: Problem, Brave shields they are disabled by default - #7 by Mattches

and the next reply, there.

Another recent problem - Media Keys