I’m running browser version 1.41.100 on Windows 10 (21H2 )and need to access a website that only supports older browsers (see error in title)
Is there a way to do the equivalent of IE mode in Edge browser?
I tried 'Allow Insecure Content ’ on the site settings but that didn’t make a difference.
Internet Explorer works for that site but I want to keep using Brave
Unfortunately no, I do not believe there is an equivalent of that for Brave/Chrome. Out of curiosity, if you are comfortable doing so, can you tell me what site this is? I’d like to take a look on my end and see if there is another workaround I can find.
It’s actually a local recording device that hooks into my network and presents a web interface for viewing live feeds. I’ve tried reaching out to he manufacturer to point this out but not much luck so far. Thanks for the reply.