Description of the issue: I’ve been using Brave a couple months and email through Yahoo mail seemed to work as expected. As of a couple days ago the display only shows about the top 15 lines (emails) when there are hundreds. Also, links and hotspot icons on the page seem to have ceased to function.
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3. I have killed the browser and restarted. Have rebooted the computer. It comes back the same every time. The yahoo mail works fine on chrome, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer with no visible change from the way it has been but on Brave the display and functions are as described.
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Expected result:
**Reproduces how often:**It quit working a couple days ago, maybe more. I’ve tried Brave at least a dozen time since with same result.
**Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in the main menu):**I have an HP desktop with Windows 10
**Additional Information:**I’m no computer whiz. Am pretty near computer illiterate. I like the idea of Brave Browser as I understand it. I’ve used it for a couple months or more and seem to pick up less ‘trash’ on the computer from unknown sources.
@Illiterate1 Thanks for reporting! Can you please let us know on which version you are seeing this issue? Also, can share the screenshot of shield settings on ?
Version 0.61.51 Chromium: 73.0.3683.75 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I believe that @gsarvadnya was asking to see what your Shields settings were configured to for specifically. Please login/visit yahoo! mail and open your Shields panel as you did in the image above.
@Illiterate1 Thanks for the version details and shield settings screenshot. I have just verified the issue on Brave version 0.61.51 on Windows 10 x64 - Issue is not reproducible.
I have 29 emails in my inbox when I scroll up/down I could access all the emails with default shield settings. In the previous post, you have mentioned you are able to view only 15 emails listed in a page. Can you try disabling shield settings? Also, are there any extentions installed in your profile?
The brave version which you have is quite old, could you try updating it to latest released version 0.64.77 and see whether the issue is reproducible?
Please revert back if it doesn’t fix the issue.
Thanks for the info gsarvadnya .
As my user name indicates, I’m barely functional on the computer. Could you step me through where I need to go to find updates for Brave? Got a lot going on today but will try to get back to my desk and try what you suggest after a bit.
Again, thank you.
@Illiterate1 Please navigate to brave://settings/help
in 0.61.51
once the update is found click on Relaunch
It will restart the browser with latest released version 0.64.77
OK! I uninstalled Brave and reinstalled it. All better. Thank you.