Wordpress site verification without plugin

Stepping through the site verification for Brave Rewards with a Wordpress site, I am presented with the single method of installing a plugin, and not the file method or the DNS method. I don’t want to install a plugin. I want to add a record to my DNS. How do I get that TXT record?

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This one may help https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021408352-How-do-I-verify-my-channel-

Thank you. Yes, I know those are the methods available, except that the only method presented once the site is identified as a Wordpress site is the plugin. I’m looking to find the DNS record to add so that I don’t have to use the plugin.

The record is same. The one started with brave-ledger-verification=

OK. Where do I get that record from? Do I need to install the plugin to get it, even if I uninstall it later?

You should see the orange box. :point_down:

Use this brave-ledger-verification=yourcodehere as a value for the TXT record.

Usually people are using plugins because it is times more comfortable and easier to works. The prices are very reasonable and you should not have any problems with it. Also, I can suggest you to calculate the price for everything on https://stylemixthemes.com/wordpress-lms-plugin/, you just introduce there all the tools and plugins that you need and the system calculates the price taht you need to pay for wordpress service. Personally for me it is a very useful thing and I can easily optimize my spendings.

Thanks this issue got resolved for me.

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