[Windows] Hardware Acceleration alters Video Quality, Colors and Brightness of B&W

Description of the issue:
Hardware Acceleration (HW-ACC) causes Videos to have a more “washed out” look and causes video quality to drop in comparison to HW-ACC off.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Enable hardware acceleration on Brave Browser
  2. Watch a YouTube Video
  3. Result. Video noticeably influenced in comparison to HW-ACC off (Colors are washed out, black spots are more “white”

Expected result:
Videos should not be visually influenced simply by having HW-ACC on.
Comparison Pictures:


Brave Version( check About Brave):
V 1.56.20 Chromium: 225.0.5790.171, 64 bit
Additional Information:
Using Win 11, 64 bit ASUS VivoBook X712JA

Thank you for reaching out to us.
We are aware of this issue and have some documentation to track HWA issues and hopefully resolve them in the future:

Hey @Mattches , thanks for the quick reply.

Just browsed the GitHub and don’t see anything mentioning the problem I am experiencing, just screen tearing. Please confirm or send direct link?

Thank you

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