Win7 desktop can't access site - 'Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.'

Any attempt to access receives:

Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.

Access successful with Chrome and Firefox.

Not using a VPN. Have Adblock, google translate, google docs offline, and megasync extensions installed.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

v1.3.118 (just installed today) Same failure on whatever the prior release was. I think the failure started with that release, not sure.

I’m seeing a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS message when I attempt to visit the site in any browser (tested with Chrome, FF and Vivaldi browsers). Can you confirm for me that that is the proper URL?

What url are you entering? is the website. is another name for the same website.

That’s what the slash in the middle was trying to communicate, perhaps a bad choice. Are you entering

But even if I enter that, I get the same error message I reported. Nothing about too many redirects.

On windows 10 (not sure if it actually matters), but both sites loaded fine. I would clear the cookies/cache and then re-start the browser maybe? (test with/without a vpn?)

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Clearing browser data fixed this.

I would note that after I clicked to initiate browser data clearing, the screen locked and never returned control. Happened twice. But whatever, the escape key worked.

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