Win 7 and 8.1 support ended.. What about Brave Sync, chrome web store and extensions which i have right now.. Will they continue to work?

Win 7 and 8.1 support ended… What about chrome web store and extensions which i have right now… Will they continue to work for a much longer time? i have decided to use this unsupported browser for the next 2 to 3 years until win 12 comes by which im praying to be an improvement to Win 7 and 8.1…

Win 10 and 11 feels like advanced version of android and gives android vibes and its downgrade for me due to being poor at offering customization, user control and no freedom with heavy bloatwares…

So my question is that, will chrome extensions and chrome web store will still continue to function normally even after the support has ended ?

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Hello there @ArunROG87Razer let me inform you that with Win7 and Win8.1 no longer being supported it shouldn’t have any direct affect on extensions in general.

That said, if there is a bug found with one or more extensions that is caused by a conflict in the browser, there will be no update that fixes it due to those versions no longer being supported.

If you have any other concerns, please let me know.

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what about Brave sync, will it continue to work ?

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Unless Brave make changes to it in the future that will require a mandatory update, it will remain unaffected.


Nice, i wish brave provides a setting to export everything as in the form of rar file and lets us export it whenever we want and if we perform a fresh install, we can import this .rar file and brave uses built-in extractor tools to extract the rar and offer me to get the brave browser switch exactly to a state while the rar file has been exported.

Export should include everything-> extensions with extension data, extension sticky positions, brave stats, open tabs, bookmark, bookmark name edits, saved passwords, browser settings, zoom levels, almost everything brave possibly can.

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You can copy your whole Brave profile folder.

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As long as there’s no major change or update made to the Sync feature that requires and update from the Browser itself, the feature will continue to work.

If you’d like you can open a feature request topic on our Support Forum.
Please see

Should you have other concerns, please let me know.

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i think simple copy and paste wont work as some files are located in


also there are some changes in registry and different version of windows exist, i currently have win 8.1, if i do copy and paste from win 8.1 to win 10, it isn’t sure things will go well, so this needs proper exporting by the brave team itself to get all of the current browser setup on a fresh install in any version of windows especially if i ever install latest version win 10 phoenix lite OS which is my backup OS in mind… its not necessarily important as i rarely get into OS crash and its doubtful when brave will become completely unusable to the point where it will make me push to win 10 phoenix lite OS, im positive that wont happen until end of next year, but its safe to have backup.

Topic title has been edited.

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Although i have other request for Brave Sync which is to get notification while a new sync code has been updated…

the request has been intact with this post

Forward it to development team if you have direct contacts, i will highly appreciate it, thanks

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I can’t promise you that action will be taken from your feedback due to the amount of feedback we receive on a daily basis, but I assure you that we do appreciate your opinion and thanks for sharing your ideas.

Regards. :lion:

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