Why i Didn't get my ads rewards yet?

**Description of the issue: i love brave browser and I am working here many month ago. But for june month,i didn’t get my ads rewards yet.I have installed version 1.9.80 for Android. I talked with @steeven but he could not help me properly. So what should i do now? I think, i lossed all bat this month. And i think brave browser will not pay my ads rewards this month. Is that right? Help me please.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. If i will get back my ads rewads for this month
  2. If brave browser will pay me 47.2 bat that i earned from ads
  3. If i wii get my all unpaid bat this month june.

**Expected result: I want to get back my expected amount of bat quickly that i earned by working hard.

**Brave Version( check About Brave): 1.9.80

**Mobile Device details: Symphony i60

**Additional Information: please send back my expected bat quickly. I am very disappointed. And i am waiting for get back my ads rewards for this month.

Hi @9rs - please see DM - asked for Rewards Internals.

Thank you.

How to see DM and how to asked rewads internal please explain more about this. And reply quickly. I could not understand what you said above.

@9rs Steven asked you to send the info via DM. :sweat_smile:

Go to https://community.brave.com/u/9rs/messages to see your inbox.

When i want to send dm to @steeven then a problem showing. That i given to attach file please check that and tell me how to solve that problem.

This one is your inbox. :point_up: You should see a message from Steven there.

If you’re want to start a new message, simply click Steven usernames > Message

I have seen my inbox and masaages.so, what should i do now? How can i get back my expected amount of bat? Please let me know. @eljuno

What you should do now is to relax and stop asking how to get back your lost BAT.


So, is there no way to get back my expected amount of bat this month? Please let me know. And if there no way, please tell me so that i can uninstall brave browser forever.ok?

You will get them, if you have send your reward-internals to @steeven
And today being weekend, you have no other option to wait for a weekday.

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@9rs Click this link brave://rewards-internals/ or copy paste to your brave browser then what result will come, you send it to Mr. @steeven

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