This question is limited to using a normal browsing window, not private.
My question is: Why doesn’t history show every visit to every web page?
History->Show Full History, only some of the page visits are shown. Why is that?
How can this issue be reproduced?
STEP 1: Visit these three urls in this order:
STEP 2: Menu History → Show Full History
Expected: The four urls used in step 1 are the most recent four listed.
Actual: As expected
STEP 3. Enter this url (same as the 3rd url used in Step 1):
STEP 4: . Menu History → Show Full History
Expected: These five most recent page visits listed per above.
Actual: Only one visit to the kittens url is shown, even though it has been visited twice. WHY?
What happened to the Kittens visit between WordPress and Chase?