Why does some amount of BAT remaining in 'earning' at end of month?

Let’s say that towards the end of the month, I can see 4 BAT in that month’s ‘Earning’ section.

When the new month starts, I always see something like “Your 2.5 BAT rewards are on the way”, and some amount of that 4 BAT (in this example, 1.5) stays in the Earning section.

I don’t understand it. It’s like my view of how much I’m actively earning is constantly inflated by some fake amount.

Version 1.38.109 Chromium: 101.0.4951.41 (Official Build) (x86_64)

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Are you in a supported region? Yes

This is normal for everyone. At the end of the month some of the ads may not have fully reconciled yet. These rewards are “rolled over” to the next month. Your question is answered in this post beside number 3. Ads Payout Status Update

It’s a common issue, we all hope to be fixed soon. Generally part of the ads viewed don’t get reconciled in time for the end of the month, so you carry over the next.

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