Three days I’ve been trying to transfer my iOS bat wallet to my laptop. They’re both up to date.
This is what it is saying. Please help if I can’t link then I’ll lose my bat because I couldn’t find a way to link uphold to iOS brave
Thank you for reporting this. This may be a new issue – I’ve reached out to the iOS teams to see if this is known. Appreciate your patience.
Are you able to access from your iOS device? You should see a blank page, with nothing more than a period displayed. Issues reaching this endpoint would prevent communication with the Brave server, yielding the error you witnessed here.
If you can reach that endpoint, the problem is elsewhere. The next thing we’d want to check is that your iOS wallet is okay. In the browser, click the … at the bottom-right to open the menu. Then, select Settings. Towards the top of Settings you will find Brave Rewards. Select that, and tap Rewards Internals next (SENSITIVE DATA).
On the Rewards Internals page, we expect to find the Key Info Seed to be “Valid,” a long value beneath Wallet Payment ID (like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). The Wallet Creation Date should have a valid, relatively recent date (not something from 1969 or 1970). Lastly, the Status and Enrollment State are expected to be Supported and Enrolled, respectively. Issues with these values could result in failed communication with the Rewards Server.
Please let me know if all of these bits of data look good on your end.
Hi @sampson - I’m having the same issue. Followed the link, and it returned a white page with a single period. See photos for errors and wallet info.
Hey, @KZFlyer! Thank you for the screenshots; could you send me a direct message at your convenience? I’d love to discuss this in greater detail
Hi i am having the same issue!! Keep getting connection error when trying to transfer BAT from IOS to desktop.
@sampson please check the dm that i had sent you regarding publisher account suspenction
Hi, sorry for the late reply but I have checked all of what you have said and they all say exactly what you have stated. I see the period, and my wallet is verified etc
With the nee update I am still getting this.
I’m sorry, @HelpMeOnAllThings, but I’m unable to get that image to load. Can you upload it here, in your post (provided it contains no sensitive information, of course).
Same here. Checked grant.rewards and it opened with a “.”
Wallet Payment ID is there, Supported and Enrolled.
Can’t get past this issue on iPhone, but it worked on my iPad
Hi, has someone resolved this problem? I still have the same issue.
Hi Sampson - Checked all those things and they correspond to what you’ve said. But the network error when reading the QR code still shows.
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