I cannot sync my BAT of iOS device to desktop

Iam using an iPad of iOS 14.6
When i receive rewards on brave they automatically sets a contribute to the creator and i cannot change that. I also cant find the option to sync my BAT to my desktop. In the rewards setting page i only see enable rewards and rewards internals. Pls tell me how to sync them to my laptop.

I am pretty sure you can disable the Auto-Contribution from the settings.

After you do so, if you link an Uphold Account, it shall get synced to your PC.

i dont even see the option to link it to an uphold account

Hmm when you open the settings on your PC the first thing you can see in the rewards section is the “QR Code Scanner for iOS devices”.

SO there must be an option to scan tat QR Code from your iOS device… Do try to find it.

i found that… but there is no section in my iOS device to open scanner. In google it said we will have a section called legacy wallet transfer… it is missing

Due to Apple policy, iOS devices can no longer earn Brave Rewards. The deadline for transferring them to another device was 21 May 2021. The “QR Code Scanner for iOS devices” is no longer functional.

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thats sad… thanks by the way

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@Pranav1 The moderators have opened up iOS transfer requests again! Go submit your request now :slight_smile:

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i did… no response
i waited for around 14 days

I apologize for the lack of response – I have a thousand or so DMs to sort through right now. I will search for yours here shortly, thank you for your patience.


hey there, i’ve been trying for the past 2 months to transfer my ios bat to my desktop wallet too, how can i make a request for that?

thanks! i do understand

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