Why am I seeing an Ad for “Karate Kombat” when close out a browser page?

*when open a page like X and then close that page, instead of going back to my Home Screen, I get an unrequested ad for “Karate Combat” with no info in the URL window.

I am view on an iPad, iOS 18.2.1

Default shields are set.

Description of the issue:

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no)

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off?

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no)

What OS are you using when you see the ad?

Brave version (check About Brave):

@robscott you are on your home page. What you’re seeing is one of the backgrounds that can appear. This is called a Sponsored Image, also known as a New Tab Page ad. If you do not wish to see them, then you go to Brave’s SettingsNew Tab Page and then either change Media Type to Default Images if you want those…or you can just disable Background completely.

These NTP ads are the only ones Brave has that’s enabled by default and is more of an opt out than opt in thing. It just appears when we return to the “home” screen, which is our dashboard.

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I saw that too. Personally, I think that it should be something that is an opt-out feature by default. Then if someone desires to, they can opt-in to that.

Do you have any personal thoughts on it?

I agree and have said it multiple times to people at Brave, but it’s just one thing they haven’t wanted to change…at least not to this point. They see it as not being intrusive, privacy respecting, easily disabled, etc.

And while not voiced specifically, I get the feeling they have it there just to draw attention from people and have it as a moment of them to learn more about Rewards. Though more importantly, it’s them at least just trying to get a little money by showing the ad so they can continue developing the browser.

Again, I can’t say I agree, but I’m just another user.