Ads still present

Description of the issue:

Hello, although Brave Shields is set to “Aggressive” I often have ads opening in a new tab in normal or private browsing, the ads change regularly either they are classic ad pages or pages that Brave considers dangerous and warns me with a red page. The tabs always open when I click somewhere on the website. I have the same problem on the desktop and mobile versions of Brave. What’s more, I never have this problem when I use uBlock Origin, but I’d like to do without the extension and just use Brave Shield. I’ve also attached the list of active filters.
Scripts are not blocked because if I do, the site is unusable (which is true for most of the other sites I visit).

Filter list :

Exact URL’s of the website in question:


Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:

Did the issue present with [default Shields settings] ? Yes

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? Yes

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no) Yes

What OS are you using when you see the ad? Android 12 and Windows 11

Brave version (check About Brave): Brave 1.68.137, Chromium 127.0.6533.100

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Site where the popup are from (non-clickable link)

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Here are the links to the website in question where I have the problem: and

One of the ad link :

And the other :"Nbs)A;Bogjj%22;m=%2299.0.0.0%22,%20%22Buwiiq%22;g=%22127.0.0.0%22,%20%22Cdspzmrd%22;f=%22127.0.0.0%22&nbuii=1&iiql=Ahmjdpk&ev=7&cye=FiiUneuhba3iiXTKEbRoZQRjk0O2hjydjya8riiaoYR7CfpTwj9qA3FnyAW2aAn_lZJJJxDWBtEfkLL-KkgPk0_Ig9HPyzz7p5y7MrHGy5mNYhjGp2sQxFu8Rm3lnec2-IdPVNdMKr2A5UhVgmmf3sg45GeskZ1ujLVdgwii_kTVKthZ4-G0fNRUsNODFwxlHgbycorZS_V0Aii6Z_1xQFbiiKYyCBek210bYxcR6lv-LzJ0smGltPSAkTqJBuuz8naEliiaAaGAIZJZY3IMERGtxxndVP0G3zr5xstkg3tO6_JZ7yE7AT-dHAQsQ5sEvcQMx7zGrE-mszYDqQUbfdmTPLFkZNYzsevLnpoQzHSZeEkSJm4bzWUCKPSdzxh0qrjyEKr3LP_anNk7b0wSdxvcllv9W5AWgyjN8Ntv4FSsz14ItmwXtdfhmeGSv-HbTkqAR09zEJBoGyuJnph-PzkmVX8Wt7yPoLsARfNv5UJ5dZ-JF7j8DxHydxbEfaDiikccypsVCyw_B2pBQggKwbmXuLlRiisaAlnWVUlvfOh7Qw_tqh9xfjLaI4b3hjGvx6erK-UYVcgTX_yp571XZO1vAQ14wRylotRakhqxwE2JEF1ls6PcmVcWcUb0ii6AXtpCMXzLpP5cjgv2HrGYXg2oFXCd_G0hbae1WUnLAwrlL8IFuyzysZ_0WP1fFbSzbFsujp72z9plTCp1yGRx5dkDzIrInWwRwMp2KbJaDN7k8gxuDvG0dxtTjlLGE7J3WjQ-iibmzdZYoyCIepWfoMVa_oXLyysZb0fB4XloPSxywA06E2OQhQgervP_wKAtvcdg464tVrFqxTdkMQ_2awHeSyTq4lkZFUTtFsAWLgguakMt80XvhdcaS8N&wem=12.0.0&hcuop=0&nfh=1&iinsfm=0&kytn=1&mo=1&iic=0&qlvx=%22Nsm)A;Bmqiiy%22;u=%2299%22,%20%22Bldzn%22;b=%22127%22,%20%22Cechcpsu%22;s=%22127%22&lqkk=1&xj=1&iig=-120&dxt=brswh&xjw=0&vcp=FslyExdsHR0nHM6Ls9kuHveuii4tY29wLy&myii=ARM&e=801&tkm=0&uc=2c1uc82luy7c883h8d858b0x0a9087781724493277&ee=2&dol=3&tc=0&gt=7&rp=0&m=1&nna=&id=1941842&hvu=YiiCJEKF::QIEKFii3E&fqnr=0&wv=Eshamu/Pmzqb&zht=&iitt=Mscm-G76&mr=k7F1GndU2V4wVBrge4lMiiAwJTIfRpJoZSUeMFBsiib4yMsBTgXRd&btw=Eetii5wbvHR0eHM6Lf9ouHxuru4gY29dL3Bfii3QnNxZbODU0N2UwMhUuYq5iisG1j&pht=cqby&bzye=qz-FR&aqx=MR8fzpAyHR0zHM6Lc9rjHsfwy4fY29qL3Bjc3QnNhZoODU0N2UzMkUfYc5afG1a&v=801&wr=2&xzac=4898090523648000

A fix will be out in the next few hours


Thank you very much for your feedback. I’ll let you know if it’s resolved or not.

Update : It is

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