Who ruined brave search

@Cookie23 Brave Search has been independent for a short while now. Their results had been more accurate because they were pulling API from Google and Bing but they recently stopped. That said, Brave compiles its data and refines primarily based on the Web Discovery Project. This means data is pulled together based on people using the browser and who are contributing to it.

There’s actually an ad campaign on Rewards right now trying to encourage people to opt into Web Discovery Project. If you hadn’t heard of it, you can learn more at https://brave.com/privacy/browser/#web-discovery-project and https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409406835469-What-is-the-Web-Discovery-Project-

As to why you are getting info you are, it’s because it’s popular. The result you showed on top is from a HBO show that was well known and still circles around on social media from time to time. I’m actually watching that series now, as I had missed it before.

Lastly (sorry, long reply), it’s important to realize that there’s going to be some complexities based on how data is being gathered and how new Brave is. Some of this was addressed by Brave on another post, if you’d like to read those, they are linked below: