Where are Brave Browser for Linux OS data and pieces parts saved?

I’m on ubuntu and i would like to know where the following data are stored (so i can back them up)
So far i can only find the ‘default’ folder which holds my profile, but im missing other stuff.

  1. flags
  2. shields options and custom filters
  3. cookies (saved)

Probably the better method for saving the items of your concern, is to use Brave Sync, or possibly GoodSync.

On the other hand, I wrote a script that routinely backs up the all-important parent folder, BraveSoftware:

On Linux OS (IIRC):

~/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ . . .

OR, for Linux OS, in a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


and scroll down to “Profile Path” - that path very likely ending with “Default” - and locate the “BraveSoftware” folder in that path.

On Mac OS:

/Users/[your_user_shortname]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/ . . .

On Windows OS:

C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\ . . .

My backup process:

  1. .zip compress that folder

  2. Give that .zip file a chronological name, for example:


  1. Copy that backup file to a location that is NOT within any Brave directory . . . and therefore is relatively safe from an unexpected Brave Browser “calamity.” The relatively safe locations include, an external drive.

PS. Your other concern, cookies on Android:

Cookies on android phone

probably also falls under the above sync and backup ideas.

On Ubuntu, flags, shields, and custom filters are usually stored in ~/.config/[app-name]/ or ~/.local/share/[app-name]/. Cookies, for browsers like Chrome, can be found in ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Cookies. To back them up, simply copy the relevant folders or files. Replace “[app-name]” with the specific app you’re using.

I have done this but then brave won’t start at all or allot of settings are missing.
like i said in the first post: flags are gone, shield options and custom filters and saved cookies. also exstension settings are gone. or certain extensions.

I know they are stored somewhere but what is the direct path for cookies and the direct path to flags and shield settings etc, so i can copy those.

There is no way around, taking the time to learn, study, and test how to manage an Internet browser -AND- preserve your data of interest.

Repeating from my earlier reply, above:

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


and scroll down to “Profile Path” - that path very likely ending with “Default” - and locate the “BraveSoftware” folder in that path.

That is the important data folder to back up, because your Brave Browser Profile(s) is(are) stored within that folder’s sub-folders.

Other than the backup procedure that I also mentioned in that earlier reply, please make a routine of:

Be Prepared

And, when encountering trouble:

Clear cookies, cache, history, etc.

In a Brave Browser New Window, go to:


Select the Advanced tab

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE everything except:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data

(Myself, I would NOT make that exception)
(because I would have a backup prepared.)
(In other words, be prepared.)

Click on the “Clear data” button


  • site stuff gets stale
  • updates of various types can cause unexpected changes
  • websites’ strategies and tactics change

There is a limited amount of success, at plug-and-play maintenance: Replacing items that are somewhere located within the important “BraveSoftware” folder’s structure.

Some few Internet browser users are artists at that; some few are fortunate to stumble onto “what works;” but a lot of users who are NOT prepared for recovery, learn the hard way, that NOT being prepared - leads to loss of data (bookmarks, for example).

Your success at using any Internet browser, depends on how faithful you are willing to be attentive to the work.

Computers and their software, are error-prone; they fail. Be prepared.

Linux OS directory map:

I changed the title of your Original Post, and added categories and a tag.

Reference from 2020:

Linux, how to restore Brave bookmarks, settings and passwords from backup of /home/user/ - #3 by sriram

References from 2022:

I lost my accounts how do i get them back - #2 by 289wk
Importing old Brave Bookmarks - #2 by 289wk

About security credentials - sensitive data storage:

Hard lessons . . .

Data gone:


Data lost:


Passwords gone:


Passwords lost:


Bookmarks gone:


Bookmarks lost:


Thanks for the long reply, however i have saved default folder already but upon recovery back to that folder the following (see above) are missing.
Which suggests to me that flags, shield settings and custom filters en cookies are not saved in the default folder. hence im trying to see where they are then saved

For these specific options you’re wanting to “back up”, I would recommend simply copying how you have these settings configured vs copying the file directly. That said,
Flags and Shields settings are stored in the Local state file in the Brave-browser directory.

Cookies are saved in the aptly named Cookies file (Brave-browser --> Default --> Cookies), although I am not entirely sure which cookies are included if this file (if not all of them), as there is a difference between persistent cookies and session cookies.

Brave Sync is also a more viable way to backup this. data.