How do I navigate to the Brave cookie folder on my W10 PC?

After switching PCs, I am trying to retain some points that I’ve accumulated in an online game but, after successfully running sync, I’ve found that I have to start from scratch. The site says that the score info is located in my browser’s cookie folder but I can’t find such a folder.

Hello @MikeZ, thank you for reaching us out. For browser data, you can find it under:

  • macOS: /Users/[You]/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/
  • Windows: AppData/Local/ OR AppData/Roaming/
  • Linux: /.config/BraveSoftware/

Hope it resolves your concern. Regards.

I was able to find the files but it didn’t work for what I was trying. I ended up copying the entire User Data, (beneath Brave-Browser) folder and it was successful but it seemed to make things unstable so I copied the old folder back. It was no major deal… just an online game. Thanks for your input

Thank you for replying @MikeZ, If you have any other concern let us know.

Kind Regards.

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