When attempting to create a wallet the spinning

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue:
When attempting to create a wallet the spinning circle just spins and spins and nothing happena. Cant refresh just go back and start over. Please help
Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?
Whatever the galaxy S24 Ultra runs for Android

Brave Version (check About Brave): version 1.66.118

Additional Information:

Hello! Is this still an issue for you?

Yes but it was likely the testnets i wanted to add to my wifes wallet. As soon as we deselected them the wallet created and gave the 12 word phrase etc. But if someone chooses to try to add the testnets upon creation it wont work.

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