What's up with Vertical Tabs?

So I was poking around the Brave Community site to see what’s new on Vertical Tabs.

I came to this place:

It wasn’t closed and I couldn’t comment because I wanted to point out that someone had linked to GitHub where they said the conversation was continuing but that Git conversation was closed.

So I have 2 questions.

  1. Why can’t I comment there?

  2. What’s going on with vertical tabs? or Why isn’t there an OPEN ongoing discussion?

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Hi @JasonCarswell,
Thanks for reaching out.

It’s a request for previous Brave (muon). And since it’s no longer supported, the category is now “Read only”.

Feature request for the current Brave is under Brave Feature Requests . I moved your post to “Desktop request”.

Not yet implemented.

If you read the comments on GitHub, Brave team open a new request for Brave (brave-core). See https://github.com/brave/browser-laptop/issues/2185#issuecomment-401678997

“Open” discussion is now on https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/464



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