Websites Not staying Logged In Yahoo

Description of the issue: Website not staying logged in

**Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary)
: 1 Open Brave Browser
2 Navigate to Yahoo
. 3.Enter Login creditials
4. Select stay logged in
5. Close Browser
6 Open Browser and Navigate to Yahoo…need to re-login
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

**Expected result:**Navigate to site and stay logged in

**Reproduces how often:**Everytime the broswer is closed

**Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):**Win 10,
Version 1.31.87 Chromium: 95.0.4638.54 (Official Build) (64-bit)

**Additional Information:**Yahoo is one example, I have checked the settings and nothing is checked to clear on exit(Cache, cookies etc.)

Thank you for reaching out.
Are the credentials saved correctly still in brave://settings/passwords? If so, can you check and confirm that the Auto Sign-in option on that page is enabled?

I am not using the Brave Password feature. Manually entering passwords.

Can you tell me if you have any extensions installed in the browser, as well as what you have your Shields settings set to for Yahoo?

Lastpass, keep notes(doesn’t work), uBlocker, Onenote,

The login works correctly in Chrome, I went to Brave and all the extensions were brought over.

As for Shields, I’m not familiar but haven’t made any changes to the settings as related to Shields.

Just as a test, , try removing the lastpass extension, then re-add it back. Relogin again once installed

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