@Joe_tFb I’m going to kind of blindly ask some questions/steps which will require you to test out some changes. Do each separately, don’t combine questions/steps. Not really listing in any particular order, so feel free to test in whichever order you wish. These are just little things that I know have helped resolve issues for others in the past.
Question 1
Can you Create a new profile
, which you can do via your hamburger menu? Just curious to see if it will work there. I’m assuming it won’t since didn’t work after all else you did, but just kind of a final part of basic troubleshooting steps to help narrow if it’s an issue from within the browser.
Question 2:
Just kind of curious, could you double check your Windows settings to see if you have Brave authorized? I’m assuming it’s on since you mentioned Firefox, but just kind of looking at a random thought here.
Question 3:
Do you have an antivirus or internet security program or extension? If so, mind at least temporarily disabling it and seeing if it makes a difference? Perhaps same if you have a firewall enabled. (I’m assuming one of those could be blocking access). If it works after disabling, then you’ll know need to get into those to have it allow Brave to access or get rid of them.
Question 4:
Mind checking to see if any updates are available to your drivers? Also, you didn’t mention which version of Brave you’re using, so make sure it’s on the latest. (Yes, I know you said everything is up to date. Just is one of those, “would you double check” moments)
Question 5:
When you were at brave://settings/content/camera
do you have a dropdown for camera option? If so, can you make sure it’s the right camera? For example, mine shows:
What I’m 100% uncertain of is if having a different camera selection can make a difference. I highly doubt this will have an impact, but thought I would mention it as a trial by fire, so to speak.
Last Question
If you go brave://settings/content/all
and then to one of the sites, such as your webcamtests.com
one, and change it to Allow
instead of Ask
, does it make a difference? (Note: For screenshot I just randomly clicked on a site and then changed to Allow. Mine is usually on Ask, I just did it for the screenshot, lol)