Web YT not working until shield is turned off

My Web YT is not working properly. The layout is everywhere, the videos don’t run even if I open it on a new tab. The only solution seems to be turning off the Brave shield or open in private tab.


Got the same issue. I tried Ublock Origin. Got the same issue there. Looks like YouTube has pushed an update

@fanboynz I’m having the same issue and it started the same time you pushed your fix for YouTube bypassing the adblock.

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Try clearing the cookies and cache? Is experimental list enabled or not?

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Hey guys @OnePostWonder @OnePostWonder I found this fix from @fanboynz

It worked for me, Just do a hard refresh (Ctrl + Shift + R) after adding that filter.


@Wolmer that rule is now in Brave proper, no need for a custom addition.

Also to other users, adding other adblock extensions may cause issues

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Ctrl+shift+r works. However f5, ctrl+r, and reload button in top left doesn’t work. Opening videos also still shows this problem. I still have to ctrl+shift+r on opening videos.

Edit: Opening videos works about 50% of the time. The other 50% this problem still persists. Ctrl+shift+r still fixes it.

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I’m having the same issue.

That worked for me! Thank you.

@ferrisama can you confirm whether this issue has resolved?

It’s still not working on the video page. Also when the shield is off I get the “Adblocker must be turned off.”

After (Ctrl + Shift + R) Video images can be seen again. But now starting a video (where normaly adds would pop up) it does not start directly, only afer seconds till minutes.

Looks like playing of the adds are blocked but keeps screen hang till time of add is over.

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