Web torrent client is hidden, magnet links aren't recognized as magnet links

There is a built-in torrent client in Brave, which:

  1. doesn’t have (or really hidden) a way to launch it manually
  2. doesn’t always launch automatically
  3. doesn’t detect Magnet-links

it can’t be found in a menu under “File” or “Tab”,
it can’t be found under a burger menu icon
it can’t be found in downloads

why i need to know that the browser has this feature, while don’t providing clear and understandable access to it?

You simply need to elect to download a torrent/magnet link with Webtorrent enabled:

If you have a separate, default torrent client assigned on your OS, I believe that the browser will prompt you to open it. What happens you attempt to download a torrent/magent file?

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