Using " " around words does nothing

I tried many searches for things I know comes up in the results on other search engines.

I searched and all the results are irrelevant.

I used " " around the words to combine them as this usually searches for that exact phrase on other search engines but on Brave search, it doesn’t seem to do anything?

For the 3 site I was searching for that also have related twitter, facebook etc accounts that usually show in search when you search the name of the site.
All 3 never got a single hit.
The results only searched for 1 if any words as I found totally irrelevant results without the words even in which was odd.

Would be nice if " " around words made them search as exact like it does on other search engines.


I agree completely, especially since Google has eliminated this feature over the past year. It’s annoying that I have to click “Tools” and choose Verbatim from the dropdown menu. Then I have to click “Tools” again to see how the number of his. Of course, the Verbatim feature doesn’t work properly either, so I’m becoming more frustrated with it every day. For nearly two decades, the ability to find exact matches of phrases surrounded by quotation marks has been crucial for my work. I never had a problem until the past few months. I’ve unfortunately been unable to find another search engine capable of finding ONLY exact matches of phrases and displaying them in bold in the snippets on the results page.

Dear powers that be at Brave: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE implement reliable exact matches.


Not sure if Google killed this functionality or they are “experimenting”. Regardless, Brave needs this badly… I’m attempting to standardize on Brave but cannot live without this capability.

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Totally agree, this function needs to exist. It’s nice to use exact quotes just to get good comparative data as to how much brave knows about a certain site within quotes. Without this feature it dilutes the search results to almost a ‘guess’ rather then an absolute.