Uphold not verifying mobile wallet - Unable to change mobile

I’m using mobile brave from 2019 and accumulated BAT. But now I’m not able to migrate them. Uphold is not verifying my account. I have gemini in desktop and no issues with that. Is there anyway I’m able to get my BAT to my gemini account?

Edit: Gemini account is verified

This one is holding me from exchanging my mobile. Or is it possible to take full backup and restore in new mobile? I don’t want to lose my BATs in either way.

Guys, please let me know if I backup Android directory will I get to keep the same BATs in new device. I could go ahead with full internal device copy. Looking for some help

Go to Uphold.com and log in independently of the Brave Rewards verification flow. Once logged in, go into Brave Rewards and verify wallet. Follow steps Wallet verification should be successful (in 'Wallet verified’state)” Follow this method. Also, make sure your shields is down, and third party cookies are available for some time. And delete uphold native app from android for the time being.

Hi, Thanks for the attempt. Unfortunately, uphold verification process is failed and they are saying “We can’t continue to offer you an account”. They aren’t providing reason and I’ve contacted the support to sort this out.

Sadly I have a working account with Gemini and it’s not available in mobile. Until this problem sorts out, can I just take the entire brave directory inside Android folder and use it in new device? I have about 68 BAT and I don’t want to lose any of it.

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