[Updating Problem] Error Occurred While Checking For Updates

Hey, guys, I am having trouble with updating (Brave Browser):
Last time my BAT just went missing. I didn’t receive it on uphold. I tried relaunching and restarting my pc. And also if I had uninstalled (Brave). I know my earnings(BAT) will just go.

So to fix this issue I had to download the .exe of the latest (Brave) from the website. This actually works but I have to do this all the time when the update rolls out.

I have been upgrading my brave like this for a while. Can I know, how do I fix this issue.

This is what I am seeing when I go to the about brave section to update.
(Brave Version):

That only happens to me when I have other tabs open/programs running on my pc (low resources). Try again only with the safetychek tab open

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Yo, Thanks for letting me know. It worked, what you said might have been the problem.
Anyways Thanks, Mate. :heart:

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@Nicolas_Villar brave://settings/safetyCheck

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