Updating Brave app icon with white background

Based on research of the top 100 iOS icons, 26% have a white background with only a fraction with black or grey backgrounds. White backgrounds are generally more friendly and easier on the eyes. I believe small details can go a long ways if the goal is to eventually reach critical mass. Hope these suggestions help! Cheers, Ivan


Nice suggestion :thumbsup:. cc @brad @anon1255531

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Indeed great suggestion :+1:

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I also agree, android has borders and this reminds me of the one around Brave.

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We also have the option to allow the user to decide what icon they want. Can also make it dependent on the internal theme (e.g. Private Mode only -> dark icon, Normal Mode -> light icon).

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Yeah that sounds good :slight_smile:


good idea. almost all the ios icons have a white background. just the brave browser has that dark theme . i really think they should change it to white.

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Trust this gets implemented soon! Easy tweak.

Still waiting for a white background Brave logo…

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Just so you all know, the next version of Brave (v1.6) will have a new logo with a white background :+1:


I just downloaded version 1.6 of the app for iOS. While the white background icon looks clean and great on a lot of devices, I think it would be nice to have the option to choose light or dark, but I don’t know if it is possible for iOS app developers to build in this configuration preference.

V1.6 is awesome! Dig the UI improvements. Much cleaner and space optimized. Thank you :smiley:

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Would you mind sharing this as a SVG? I’d like to create a custom icon for myself. I’ll share back.