MAC OS 10.4.6
Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (x86_64)
TREZOR Firmware 2.4.3
TREZOR BRIDGE Version: 2.0.27
Description of the issue:
This is driving me nuts. I have been using the inbuilt Brave wallet in my browser with Dapps ( ENS and Unstoppable Domain ) without the Metamask extension witthout too many issues.
However, when I add my Trezor T to the Brave wallet ( works) and try to use it on unstoppable domain by adding the wallet to mint a domain. I can’t seem to sign ( to verify that I own the wallet) using the Trezor device. The device does not seem to prompt me to do anything. I figured out that If I click on instructions- then thw beidge is started and prompts me to verify and sign. However it freezes half the time and even when the process seems to complete, unstoppable domain does not seem to get the signature from my Trezor device ( even when I get the details and press the green arrow on the TREZOR)
There seem to be an issue between the way TREZOR and the Brave wallet interact for signing transactions and Dapps. Rendering my Trezor unsuable with Brave Wallet and Dapps like Unstoppable Domains
How can this issue be reproduced?
Attempt to add a wallet to mint a domain onto Polygon using a TREZOR hardware wallet inetgrated into the Deafult Brave Wallet ( without any Metamask extension)
Brave Version (check About Brave):
Version 1.34.81 Chromium: 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (x86_64)