Description of the issue: No “Scan Sync Code” button found on my iOS devices per the instructions in OSX Brave
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):
- In OSX Brave, go to Settings/Sync/Access Sync via brave://sync, then click on link
- “Sync Setup” screen appears; click on “Start a new sync chain” button
- “Choose Device Type” screen appears; click on “Phone/Tablet” button
- " Sync Chain QR Code" screen appears with visible QR Code. Instructions advise: “On your mobile device, navigate to Brave Sync in the Settings panel and click the button “Scan Sync Code”. Use your camera to scan the QR Code below.”
- From iPhone (6S) or iPad (Air2) Brave Settings, choose “Other Settings/Sync” – “Sync” screen appears.
- Screen shows Devices On Chain: iPhone (This Device); immediately below that is a button for “Add another device.”
**Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!): In contradiction to the OSX Brave instructions, there’s no “Scan Sync Code” button with which to scan the QR Code on the OSX Brave screen.
**Expected result: “Scan Sync Code” button is present for use in scanning the OSX Brave screen QR Code
**Reproduces how often: Every time
Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in Settings
**Mobile Device details iPhone 6S and iPad Air2 running current operating systems
Android/iOS Version: iOS 12.3.1 on both of my iOS devices
**Additional Information:**I’ve not seen this reported in any other support requests. Am I doing something wrong?